Nurture Noticing

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December 18, 2020

Where did I get this idea? The idea that things would play out as they do in my imagination. It's surprising, the mismatch between expectations and reality. The movie playing in my head that accompanies anticipation is one thing; reality is far different.

Life is formless, and it is particular. Each mountain, each lake, each river, each tree, each stone has its own existence. Each lives its own life.

Intersecting this moment, after innumerable eons of tumbling in the river, washed up to the shore, this small pillow of basalt shares its warmth in my hands.

Noticing make the difference. What is not noticed can't be loved. How can you live a good life if you don't notice what is actually happening in your life? The skill of noticing is an inherited trait and one that can be nurtured.


  • Van Dyke, John Charles. The Desert: Further Studies in Natural Appearances
  • Mary Oliver (2016): Upstream, Penguin Press

Other stuff I've written on this topic

This post is meant to help us renew our commitment to caring for the world and remind our future selves to be fractionally better than before. This post points to where I want to work on my mental fitness and 'adulting.'. It is a reminder to operate in the world with love and compassion and includes tips put together in moments of clarity to help when caught up in the world's uncontrollable chaos. Please, continue the conversation anytime: