Start by being kind to yourself

Image by Will Simpson

Image by Will Simpson

Self love has a bad name. Too much and one becomes narcissistic.Not enough and one becomes burned out on life. Finding a balance is hard work. But starting with yourself takes the big task and makes it a bit easier. 

Looking at your own foibles, ticks, dramas, and pains make it easier to identify with others sufferings. Remember you are not unique in the suffering department. Others may have more or harder suffering and there will be those with less, those more in touch and those out of touch. Comparing and keeping track is a fools game. Suffering is suffering and helping is helping. 

Do your best.

Credits — The 59 Lojong Slogans - Atisha's mind-training techniques. Commentary by Judy Lief Tricycle Magazine 2010

I hope you have an awesome day!

This is a journal entry meant as a reminder to my future self. A reminder to him how to operate in the world with love and compassion and some tips put together in a moment of clarity to help him when he is less clear and caught up in stuff the he can’t control.  Continue the conversation anytime:


Be careful that special care is given to the people close to me and be sure they don’t lose the preciousness that attracted me to them in the first place.

Caring comes in a couple of flavors. We sometimes cloud our caring with expectations, with ideas we have behaviors which we think are worthy of our caring. Our caring is rooted unconsciously in our biases. I do this. It is poison. I’m dealing with this now. I want to give space and care with the right intentions. This is work that I must do for myself. I want to see this as an opportunity. It is the ones closest to us which we have ideas about how they should act in the world. This short circuits connection and the love one want to foster with caring. It is especially sad when we do this with the one we so badly want to connect with. 

Image by Will Simpson

Image by Will Simpson

I hope you’ve had a awesome, fulfilling day.

This is a journal entry meant as a reminder to me. It is a reminder to me how I want to operate and some tips put together in moments of clarity to help when I am less clear and caught up in stuff the I can’t control. Continue the conversation anytime:

This might not be for you

And that is really okay.

These are my aspirations, what I hope will make me someone worth touching, worth loving.

If this doesn’t work for you, I thank you for checking me out and encourage you to look somewhere else for what inspires you.

Credits — Seth Godin 

Image by Will Simpson

Image by Will Simpson

I hope you’ve had a awesome day.

This is a journal entry meant as a reminder to me. It is a reminder to me how I want to operate and some tips put together in moments of clarity to help when I am less clear and caught up in stuff the I can’t control. Continue the conversation anytime:

I like you. 

Choose thankfulness. 

Have it be your ground of being. 

Have thankfulness be the mental model that the world is acted through. 

Let it be the starting place for your interactions.

Let it be heartfelt.

Stand with thankfulness. 

It’s free to choose. You don’t have to wait.

Image by Will Simpson

Image by Will Simpson

I hope you’ve had a awesome, fulfilling day.

This is a journal entry meant as a reminder to me. It is a reminder to me how I want to operate and some tips put together in moments of clarity to help when I am less clear and caught up in stuff the I can’t control. Continue the conversation anytime: