We short change our own lives through inattention
There are times when I see the preciousness and beauty of the world. The flow of the energy of the moment is palpable. This feeling is both exciting and soothing at the same time. The mystery of life feels like a miracle. Dropping into the flow of the moment is available at any time if I give it a place to land.
I am uplifted by these moments.
Sadly, I am often lost in thought and am asleep to the beauty, friendship, and mystery all around me. The distraction of thoughts divides attention, lessening how much my attention penetrates the moment. The things on today's to-do list, a walk with Zivon, this blogging/writing challenge, find time for a shower, make brunch for my sweetie, Go-Go GIT Hub tutorial, find and flush the septic tank treatment, complicate my attention flow.
I go around distracted with the mundane, overlooking the miraculous, repeating most of the same thoughts I had yesterday. The sad thing is too much of my time has been spent in this partial attention mode that it feels normal.
We walk by the deep blue flowers, the bright yellow leaves, the fresh green grass, the honey-like sunlight, and don't even notice that it's there. We take for granted things that are genuinely magic: flying in a plane, the miracle of electricity, the instantaneous communication of the Internet, the unlimited knowledge at our fingertips, the loved ones in our life, chocolate. We become accustomed and then walk through life as in a dream. - Leo Babauta
Can I move the needle from being distracted to focused, even a tiny amount? Any effort to focus more is rewarded with less distraction and a fuller experience.
Turn your attention to life, and she will take you in her arms, and she will fill your heart with wonder. Try to pay attention and recognize when this happens. Relax and settle into her embrace for as long as it lasts, not struggling to make it last longer than it does. Then just repeat.