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Questions and questions?
Am I critical enough of my own thought processes? What are my aspirations? Am I leading the life I want? The life I will be happy with at death? Is what I do aligned with my goals? Are my goal aligned with what I do? Is this important? Do I share enough? What is enough? How can I improve my relationships? With Mary? Why am I so tired some days? Why has my reading, my top SUPERPOWER, been suffering lately? Why don’t I take more complete notes on what I read? What is the big interruption that is preventing me form reading? How do I become less self-centered? What should I do about my income? How is my health issues impacting what I do? How do I create impact? How can I create impact? What do I mean by ‘impact’? Does questioning help? What did I fail to do today? What went right? What went wrong? How do I simplify life? What is virtue and how I develop some? How can I show my friends how important they are to me? How can I live my ideals? What are my ideals? Can reality be different from it is? What would the opposite of reality be called? Are there shaded of reality? Am I tolerant of ours? Am I courageous? Am I ready to fight and die? Do I have the wisdom to act justly and with courage? Is all this questioning leading somewhere positive? Should it? Am I who I think I am? Am I otherwise? Why do I feel unique, separate, whole, privileged?