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Floating Ideas Escape

African Blackwood shavings.

Why should I continue to write?

There is no reason, at some point I started and at some point I'll stop.

Ideas float in the noggin and try to escape. They all want to be made real. To have existence. This seems to be the nexus of writing. Ideas escaping the confines of the brain and neurochemistry and suddenly manifesting. This is not something that can controlled or take any credit for any more than you can predict what the next thought you'll have. Learning to just relax control and fixation with the flow of manifesting. Just be.

Imitate the trees. Learn patience in order to grow. Grow the best you can in the environment you find yourself in. Always be reaching, for light and truth. Be a noble host. Grow with the like minded forming groves. Give back. Back to the source of your nutrition. Let seeds be scattered and make this the goal.

This journal is meant as a reminder to encourage my future self. Where I work on my mental fitness and ‘adulting’. A reminder to him to operate in the world with love and compassion and some tips put together in a moment of clarity to help him when he is less clear and caught up in stuff the he can’t control. Continue the conversation anytime: